Marie-Andrée Godin

Marie-Andrée Godin (1986, Canada) is an visual artist based in Finland. She has an M.F.A from Laval university and is now conducting a doctoral research in arts on Magic and Postcapitalism at Aalto University, Finland.

She was granted several working grants and scholarships. Among others: Québec Council for art and litterature (CALQ) Canada Council for the Arts, the Arts Promotion center of Finland.

Her work is based in the fields of installation and performance-art and has been shown in Canada, the United-States, Japan, Finland and Italy.


WWW³ (WORLD WIDE WEB / WILD WO.MEN WITCHES / WORLD WITHOUT WORK) is a cycle of artistic research undertook in 2017. How can Magic and Postcapitalism be intertwined to manifest the future? How can art occurrences ( exhibitions, workshops, laboratories, performance events, open studios, reading groups, or else) activate the sharing of various postcapitalist ideas.

I will host monthly meetings to discuss-with on the topics of Magic-Feminism, Postcapitalism, Women’s Work, Posthumanism , etc. Those non-mix – for women and non-binary poeple- meetings are going to be filmed, and I the footage use as abase material to produce one or many art pieces.