Elina Juopperi

Elina Juopperi is born 1975 – raised in the north of Finland and educated in Paris. She graduated from the École nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy with DNSEP 2005. Due to her personal history she emphasize the importance to work not only in the culture capitals but also in remote areas. She has participated in numerous exhibition in Finland and France and abroad. Her work has been supported by private foundations and state of Finland. She identifies her work to belong in the enlarged field of documentation and uses any technic to serve the purpose of the work.

I m looking forward to live in Helsinki. This opportunity to live in the middle of the main Finnish art scene gives me a window to look and experience the capital perspective. As promoting the necessity to support the remote areas, or rather not to forget the remote areas, I believe it will be good to understand, as an artist, what it means to live in the capital. To understand it not only abstractly, but also experience it through my body.