16 Dec 2018


Jota Izquierdo: Region 4

In his new set of works Region 4 Jota Izquierdo (b. in Castellón, Spain, 1972) presents a selection of documents and materials gathered and/or created throughout a wide-ranging research on the Mexican black market. Under the notion of capitalismo amarillo – yellow capitalism this multi-leveled project takes up and carries with it the forms of representation and underground cultural practices that spread from the renowned Tepito market in Mexico City to the rest of the American continent, as well as on a global scale.

Although Jota Izquierdo’s research and analysis focuses on phenomena taking place on a global scale, the epicenter of the capitalismo amarillo project is the Tepito street market in Mexico City, from which a profuse variety of unregulated activities emanate in all directions. Known for its dense network of pirate traders, Tepito has earned a reputation for being a wild exchange area where the difference simply vanishes between the legal and the illegal, the authentic and the fake. Jota Izquierdo’s experience as an insider in this market for over two years shows us how wild and sometimes hilarious forms of commerce function as an important platform for cohesion amongst its neighbours and workers. It is a space for wild inventiveness at the core of the wild market society which has engulfed the globe.