14 May 2024


The Early Years of HIAP in Cable Factory / Interview of Irmeli Kokko

On Thursday 23rd of May between 15:00-17:00 we will interview Irmeli Kokko, the founder of HIAP. The interview will focus on the establishment of HIAP and the early years’ activities at the Cable Factory. We will also touch upon the research on artist residencies that Irmeli has facilitated during the past years.

Irmeli Kokko is a curator, producer, and educator based in Helsinki. In 1998, she initiated HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme and worked there as director, chairman, and board member (1998–2015). She was a board member of Res Artis (1999–2001) and an expert group member of residencies at Arts Council of Finland (1995–2010) and Nordic Council of Ministers (2007–2011). Over the past two decades, Irmeli has had an important role in shaping the discourse on artist residencies. Together with Taru Elfving and Pascal Gielen, she edited the book Contemporary Artist Residencies: Reclaiming Time and Space (2019).

Event location: HIAP Community Space (adjacent to HIAP Gallery Augusta), Suomenlinna B 28/2

Please note that the language of this event will be Finnish!

Irmeli Kokko will be interviewed by HIAP’s Director Juha Huuskonen. The event will be recorded and the recording as well as the transcription will be made available later on.

The event is also an opportunity to see Kaamos, an exhibition by Daniel Malpica at HIAP Gallery Augusta. The exhibition will exceptionally stay open until 18:00.